Let’s be honest, most normal people don’t look forward to Mondays. Even if you love your job, everybody appreciates a reprieve from the stresses it bring and the weekend is just that. Unfortunately, Newton’s first law of motion (objects at rest tend to remain at rest) is also true as applied to human productivity. The bad news is, the effort required to get started is always the hardest. The good news is, once you start it becomes far easier to keep going. The trick is to start small to get your momentum going, before you know it you’ll be marveling at how much you’re getting done!

With that said, here are some tips to get you past the hard part by jump starting your week and boosting your productivity:

1. Make Your Bed

Most of us do this anyway, but make a point of doing it every day. It is a small easy accomplishment that can release a small shot of endorphins in your brain, which is exactly what you need to get your day going. It’s also a small unspoken commitment to yourself that this day will be a productive one. 

2. Listen to motivational speeches

Nothing gets your blood going like someone yelling in your ear, “You can do it!”

At least, that seems to be what my personal trainer believes. Listening to clichéd sayings or modern tropes that trigger an eye roll isn’t helpful, you have to be open to the message and allow yourself to believe it. Find one that works for you and let it blare in the background while getting ready for the day in the bathroom or on the way to work. The strongest neural pathways in your brain are established by your habitual thought patterns, so if you bombard yourself with positive and motivational messaging then you are more likely to think like a positive motivated person!

3. Make a list of tasks every day, include small things

I say ‘tasks’ instead of ‘goals’ deliberately. Goals as a concept can be some lofty thing you may or may not achieve, whereas a task is something you need to get done and therefore is more compelling. This is by far the most impactful thing you can do for yourself to boost your productivity; unfortunately, it’s also the hardest to maintain. It’s the most powerful motivational booster because it creates a system of tasks and rewards and as we discussed earlier, accomplishments can release a bit of endorphins in your brain. Include small tasks like taking the dog out for a walk or cleaning the dishes to get the endorphins going and build momentum to accomplish bigger tasks, like finally putting a pin in that project you’ve been procrastinating for the past week.

The most challenging thing about making a list is committing to make a new one every day. You may grow bored with it, perhaps become complacent in your new found sense of accomplishment. Resist, don’t give in to the excuses!

Fight the temptation of inertia and remind yourself that getting started is harder than keeping it going!

4. Go to the gym

Exercise is a great way to boost your energy, mental acuity, and self-esteem. It’s also a core component of the holy trinity of self-care: indulge your curiosity (grow your mind), challenge your physical limits (grow your body) and be generous towards others (grow your spirit). I hit the gym three – four times a week and I find that frequency works best for me. It allows me a day or two for my body to rest and recuperate, so I can feel comfortable pushing myself hard the next time I workout.

Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t think you need to do it first thing in the morning or that there is a best time to do it. In fact, I’ve found that exercising first thing in the morning can leave me drained and struggling to stay awake in the late afternoon. That said, I do think there is one day of the week you absolutely should go to the gym: Monday. The best day of the week to go is Monday, because it is the hardest day psychologically for you to make yourself go. This is important, because it makes the rest of the week seem easier. The hard part is done, it’s downhill from here!

5. Review your day

Congratulations, you made it through the day!

If you managed to do all or even one of these things, allow yourself a moment to pause and reflect on what you’ve accomplished. Allow yourself to feel good about it, this is your reward, you earned it!

Doing this will not only build your sense of self-worth, but it will also encourage you to keep going and stay strong with your commitment to leading a more productive and fulfilling life!

And those are my top 5 tips for starting your week off right. Let me know your thoughts down below in the comments section. If you have questions specific to your situation, feel free to shoot me a detailed e-mail using the contact me link and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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Motivated Mondays